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Rama Yajas

Among the many names of Surya, the Sun God, is Jyotisha. Literally, the light of the divine. Metaphorically, it is light that illuminates. Illuminates, the path ahead. Hence, bestows us with clarity on the future. Surya, hence is the very source of the divine science the rishis of ancient India have gifted us – the science of Jyotisha. The golden yellow disc in the logo symbolises the Sun.


Om Purnamadah Purnamidam
Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasya Purnamadaya
Purnameva Vashishyate
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

  • Ishavasya Upanishad


This is perfectly Complete; That is perfectly Complete.
This emerges from That.
Taking This out of That; That which remains is perfectly Complete.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.


The Kalasha (consecrated receptacle) symbolises the infinitely perfect completeness of the Divine. Perfect completeness, both contained and drawn from. On the rim of the Kalasha sits a ring-necked parrot - symbol of the Mahavidya Matangi. The Goddess rules sound in its elemental (bija) state, lends it’s meaning and becomes the word and medium that transmutes knowledge of the transcendental. From the Kalasha emerges the fully blossomed lotus, the highest state of consciousness. The individual soul gently unfolding into a full bloom in the pure light of Jyotisha.

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